Hefei Huake Electronic Technology Research Institute is located in Hefei National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, has honored as Hefei innovative enterprises, national high-tech enterprise. Institute was established in 1994, originally affiliated Hefei science and Technology Bureau research institutes, in 2003 carried out shareholding system reform. Since its establishment, the company has been engaged in the development, production and sales of medical electronic instruments, medical sensors and industrial control sensors, has a research and development team, led by the National Science and Technology Progress Award winner Experts. We have maintained good technical and cooperative relationship with Research institutes, Multinational corporations and Famous universities such as Hefei Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of TCM, Samsung (China) Research Institute, Philips (China), Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and so on.
- 2021-12-13热烈祝贺我所再次顺利通过高新技术企业重新认定!
- 2021-10-25合肥市科技局、高新区科技局领导来华科集团考察调研
- 2021-01-19关于心血管功能检测仪软件无法显示动画的说明
- 2020-01-23创新发展 再创辉煌
- 2019-04-15关爱员工 健康先行
- 2019-04-02热烈祝贺我所参加第20届山西医疗器械展览交易会取得圆满成功
- 2019-03-11不忘初心 创新发展——华科集团2018年度总结暨表彰大会圆满举行
- 2019-01-26热烈祝贺我所顺利通过高新技术企业重新认定
- 2018-08-29霍尼韦尔公司技术人员来我所考察调研
- 2018-08-25哈佛大学医学院NSG生物医学工程实验室主任张权教授来我所进行技术交流
- 2018-07-27我所又获得一项实用新型专利授权
- 2018-03-19携手同心 合作共赢——华科集团2017年度总结暨表彰大会圆满举行
- 2017-12-26中国航天员科研训练中心人员来我所调研
HK2000G integrated pulse sensor
HKX-08C digital heart rate sensor
HKH-11C respiratory wave sensor
HKH-20L respiratory monitor
HK-X-C cardiovascular function detector (portable)
HK-X-B cardiovascular function detector (pressure measuring type)
HK-X-A cardiovascular function tester (luxury)
HKE-16A visual function tester
HKC-17C infrasonic sensor
HKC-17A infrasonic sensor